Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm UK time

Remedies from the Sunnah Workshop

Holistic Reform and Health Means Wealth present

Health and Remedies from the Sunnah Online Workshop for Sisters Only

Remedies from the Sunnah


Bookings: to book a place for our Health and Remedies from the Sunnah Workshop. Text us +44 7939 034174 (sisters only) with the following information:

your full name

your email address 

 Topics to be covered inshaa Allah

  Correct Intention

2 conditions for good deeds to be accepted

Following the Quran and Sunnah upon the understanding of the companions

Good manners

Allah is the Curer


The Quran is a cure

Health is a blessing from Allah

For every disease Allah sent down a cure

Eating healthily is from the Sunnah




8 reasons that cause disease

Prevention is better than cure

Remedies from the Sunnah

Q and A  

If you have a shop, stall etc and would like to sell our products, please kindly contact us on 07897 799691 inshAllah.

We pray you find this information helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries, comments or feedback.

020 8660 2792 (Surrey office) 

07808 275444 (mobile, general and order enquiries)

07897 799691 (mobile, sisters only) 


JazakAllah khair for your support.

The Messenger r  said, “Whoever revives a
Sunnah from my Sunnah and the people practise it, will have the same reward of those who practise it without their reward diminishing…”
[Sunan ibn Maajah (209)]

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